Monday, September 04, 2006

Google Image Labeler

You'll be randomly paired with a partner who's online and using the feature. Over a 90-second period, you and your partner will be shown the same set of images and asked to provide as many labels as possible to describe each image you see. When your label matches your partner's label, you'll earn some points and move on to the next image until time runs out. After time expires, you can explore the images you've seen and the websites where those images were found. And we'll show you the points you've earned throughout the session.

進入系統以後你會隨機跟一位也在使用此功能的網友配成一對,進行 90 秒的遊戲。然後系統會給你們一張圖,你們就要儘可能的為這張圖貼上任何從你眼前閃過的標籤,越多越好。如果你們兩個人貼的標籤有相符合,那就可以得到分數,並且進入到下一張圖片。如果沒有配對成功,那時間就會一直消耗到結束為止。遊戲結束以後,你可以檢視你剛才看過的圖片並且得知那些圖片來自那些網站,並且也能看到你的分數。

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